Saturday 29 September 2007

Broccoli pleasure for one

I spotted the recipe for Broccoli with hazelnut butter on Epicurious. Although it was love at first sight, the reviews made me want it even more - someone actually wrote it was the only way to get his/her children eat their veggies.

...someone forgot to buy hazelnuts. Not a big deal! I had just the amount of salted pistachios and figured these could suite the dish even better.

Although I made this dish for one, I'm going to include the original quantities for 6 people. It's so fast that cooking this for one is not a problem, but rather a blessing. Instead of steaming I just blanched the broccoli - steaming is a technique I have yet to study... I can't help but add salt to the boiling water - come on, what's a veggie without taste?

Broccoli with pistachio butter
(adapted from Epicurious; serves 6 (1))

900 g (150 g) broccoli
80 g (15 g) butter at room temperature
115 g (20 g) salted pistachios (weighed after shelling)
black pepper

  1. Cut broccoli stems into 1/2 cm slices and florets into 2 1/2 cm pieces
  2. Boil the stems for 3 minutes, then add the florets and boil for 5 more minutes
  3. Finely grind half of the pistachios and mix with butter, season with pepper (the pistachios have enough salt to them already)
  4. Drain the broccoli and mix well with the butter mixture.
  5. Chop pistachios that are left over and add.
  6. Serve warm

This is one of the easiest and most delicious broccoli dishes I have had and made. I will definitely make this again - probably tomorrow already:) The broccoli is just tender enough and pistachios add a crunchy effect. Plus the dish has the nicest green colour! I'm sure it would make a great side dish for chicken as well.
make your kids eat this.


bee said...

thanks for this great recipe, evelin. you have a beautiful blog. we've added you to out blogroll.

Evelin said...

thanks, bee:)